[report01] Shoji Mori, "A Fieldwork Report: Verifying the Accounts of Religious Wandering in the Early Buddhist Canons" (Jan. 2000)

[report02]Shoji Mori, “A Report on the Fieldwork at Buddhist Sites in India in the Rainy Season” (Oct. 2001)

[report03]Shoji Mori, Keynote report at symposium on “How Shakyamuni Lived: A Discussion with Sumanasara Thera” (Dec. 2002).

[report04]Shoji Mori, “An Introduction to the Life of Ānanda” (Bulletin of Mori Seminar, No. 13. Apr. 2005)

[report05]Katsuhisa Nakashima & Shogo Iwai, “A Fieldwork Report on Jainism” (Feb. 2006)

[report06]Shoji Mori, “Pasenadi, King of Kosala, and Buddhism—Centering on the Year the King Became a Believer in Buddhism,” Indo tetsugaku bukkyogaku (Indian Philosophy and Buddhology), No. 21, Sapporo: Hokkaido Academy of Indian Philosophy and Buddhology (Oct. 2006).

[report07]Shoji Mori, “Did Shakyamuni Have a Sangha? —An Introduction to Sammukhibuta Sangha and Catuddisa Sangha,” Mikkyo rishu no uchu, Fukuda Ryosei sensei koki kinen (The Universe According to Adhyardhaśatikā prajñāpāramitā, in Commemoration of the Seventieth Birthday of Professor Ryosei Fukuda), Tokyo: Chizan Kangakukai (Mar. 2007).

[report08]Shoji Mori,“Sammukhībhūta Saṃgha and Cātuddisa Saṃgha”, Bulletin of Orientology(Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters Toyo University)No.60, Tokyo : Toyo University(Mar. 2007)

[report09]MORI Shoji. “The Buddha in Fact: As Seen in the Lens of ‘Study of the Biography of Sakyamuni’ – Did Sakyamuni’s Saṃgha actually exist?” (May 2010)

[report12]Shoji Mori,“On Transmigration : Re-examination of Avyākata, Paṭiccasamuppāda and Anattan”, Bulletin of Orientology(Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters Toyo University)No.58, Tokyo : Toyo University(Mar. 2005)

[report13][report 13]Shoji Mori,“MahAparinibbAna-suttanta as the Last Will of Sakyamuni for the SaMgha and First Council”, Indian and Buddhist Studies in Honor of President Dr.SHOUOU (KIYOAKI) OKUDA in Recognition of His Lifelong Scholarship , Tokyo : Kosei-shuppan(Mar. 2014)